It’s been a busy few weeks, but I did find a little downtime to read some of my favorite Sober Bloggers. Here’s another round of shutouts – enjoy!
UnTipsy Teacher – I really appreciate all the great comments you’ve left here on my blog. I enjoyed your post about ISOLATION, LONELINESS, AND SOBRIETY last week when I was going through a very lonely time. I ended up eating along and trying to chat with a busy waiter – lame right?
The most important step I can do to help myself when I feel lonely is to reach out to other people. It’s hard at times, because sometimes it feels as if I am the only one doing the reaching. My adult self now understands that many people have much more going on in their lives than I do. There are other people who are thrilled I reached out to them.
Dave – Thank you for your honest blogging and friendship to me. I really connected with your LOST AGAIN post. My mind runs on the same tracks sometimes and the only way back is to get mad as hell at my ADDICTION.
So this is my confession. My vulnerability and my armour: Right now, I would kill for not just one line, but an endless array of cocaine, stretching out all the way from now to the end of my life. . . . This is not a cry for help. It can’t be. It won’t be. It is a declaration of war inside my head, because life with no emotion is not allowed. It’s not part of the grand plan.
Two Sober Drunks- I already left a comment on the SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES post, but I wanted to point this post out for readers here. I love how you broke down the key principles in each of the 12 steps. It’s more than a program and this shows why. We can live out those ideas everyday, no matter the sage of our recovery.
Step One – Honesty // Step Two – Hope // Step Three – Faith // Step Four – Courage // Step Five – Integrity // Step Six – Willingness // Step Seven – Humility // Step Eight – Brotherly Love // Step Nine – Justice // Step Ten – Perseverance // Step Eleven – Spiritual Awareness // Step Twelve – Service
Sloppy Server – Congratulations on 100 DAYS SOBER. You are awesome and one kick-ass lady. Your blog always inspires me.
YOU CAN HAVE FUN WHILE YOU ARE SOBER! This was probably the hardest thing for me to realize. The “fun” I was having with my “friends” was a sham. A lie I perpetuated to myself as a excuse for my drinking. Fun now has a different meaning.
Hurrah for Coffee – This post made me laugh out loud, I think FRIDAY IS MY SECOND FAVORITE F WORD too.
Tired of Treading Water – Congratulations on 12 WEEKS. That’s amazing – I’m sorry about your meeting anxiety. I fought through that a few weeks ago and it was worth it.
Laurie – Thank you for the wonderful advice on your site. Just this week I was reading about how I could help my KIDS COPE WITH THE DIVORCE. I really appreciate what your wrote:
Divorce doesn’t have to be devastating. Yes, it’s painful and heartbreaking. It is something to be grieved and endured, not celebrated or enjoyed. But getting divorced doesn’t have to be the worst experience in your child’s life – or your life. It really is how you and your ex-husband handle the divorce process that will change your kid’s life.
Sara- Congrats on the 69 days sober and I loved reading your 5 REASONS post. My sober date is just 2 days after you and I related to all the reasons you wrote.
It wasn’t worth going to any social event if alcohol wasn’t involved. An activity like that wouldn’t be fun for me. Even if I was forced to go, I would drink beforehand so that I could be social and not “lash out” at my parents or people around me. If I wasn’t at least slightly intoxicated, everyone around me was the most annoying person on the planet.
Mikey Jr. – Thank you for sharing about the moral inventory. I find myself quoting YODA frequently too, he would be a kick-ass sponsor.
Thankfully yesterday was my day off. I tried not the think of the incident, letting it go. But it kept creeping back to the forefront of my thinking. There is definitely a resentment building. With that resentment is anger. Usually anger is triggered by fear.
Check out this powerful video from the SUNFLOWER EFFECT BLOG.
Not to forget my Twitter friends.
@sobertony @zen_habits If we want to stop picking our noses. We should start scratching our butts.
— Henry Corson (@Uberdead) April 22, 2017
Bipolar, a poem:
Some days are good
Some days are shit
Just take your meds
And get on with it.— Megan (@ThisIsMySober) April 22, 2017
"Mental health is not a dirty word. We all have #mentalhealth like we do physical health, good or ill." – Prince William @HealthyPlace
— Andy Behrman (@electroboyusa) March 14, 2017
Reminder for #sober people on 420:
— 1MemeAtATime (@1MemeAtATime) April 20, 2017
Some days, I still feel the sting of my past. I take a deep breath and say, "I am so #grateful I don't live there anymore." #recovery #hope
— Free to be V (@Free_to_be_V) April 19, 2017
When you look back at certain moments with the clarity of self-honesty, you realize there is a whole lifetime of memories to rediscover.#XA
— Mark Goodson (@ManInRecovery) April 19, 2017
#addiction #recovery #sober
— (@sober_ly) April 1, 2017
@sobertony Fantastic – so happy for you. We are all stronger together!
— UnPickled (@unpickledblog) April 16, 2017
— Nacho Ricardo (@surelybutslowly) April 14, 2017
Hi Tony!
Thank you for posting about other blogs I can look up!
I am always looking for new people to help along the way!
I sure wish I could do twitter, but I am afraid my whole life would then be on-line!
I hope you have a great Monday!
I wouldn’t have time for Twitter if I wasn’t hiding out in the Caribbean.
Thank you so much for the shout out! And some new blogs for me to check out ????
There are so many good recovery people blogging their stories. Enjoy.
I love the Yoda blog post recently. It’s a keeper for me!
Thanks! Yoda always kicks my ass.