Thanks for all the comments asking what’s up with me, I made the AI picture to save you the reading.
- YES- I’m still alive, but rarely sober at bedtime.
- BUT – Even if I am powerless over alcohol, I’m not putting up a fight.
The bright side.
I’m learning to let go of destructive vibes: shame, guilt, hopelessness, grief, and a lot of the fears. Still working on anger and desire. HT David Hawkins
I’m accepting that I’ll be the villain in a lot of stories. I’m owning up to my own part creating this life.
I’m just trying to love the people who have stuck with me on the worst days.
I’m happy to be more private. No more frogs singing in bogs around here.
This isn’t a sad update, but I wanted to answers all the questions at once.
The shady side.
I’m not keeping my own rules for this blog – HONESTY is slippery when I’m thirsty.
I’m kind of need want an intervention, but I think that’s just on TV.
This story isn’t over, but I can’t promise it gets much better.
If you’re feeling stuck, you’re likely in the majority.

Don’t let that bog pull you under Tony…. Keep trying to find the frogs singing a different tune and join their choir when you’re ready …lifes never easy but there’s always another page to turn when you choose to
Thank you for saying that and I’d love to find that frog choir!~
Thanks for sharing Tony. You are loved! Keep going and keep trying to get better brother!