I’m not sure who I’m fooling with this blog.
I’ve had only 28 visitors to the site – none of them had much to say. Nobody signed up for the email updates. It’s basically me talking to myself and trying to figure out this drinking problem. If I was helping one person it would make a little more sense.
I haven’t shaken the cravings much today. I wonder why things were better last week. I wonder if I can make it through tomorrow. But then I remember the blog and want to keep things honest here. So, that’s a little motive to stay sober when nothing else helping.
So if nobody else is reading, at least it’s helping me.
At least for today.
Sober Again Update: March 2017
Looking back at this post I can see the danger of doing recovery alone. Back then I had zero support, actually I was very secretive about my addiciton.
I’m back up to 17 days of sobriety and this time I feel much stronger. Since coming out about my alcoholism I have nothing left to hide. I’m living with my girlfriend and her family. They are committed to my sobriety. My family back it the USA is sending constant encouragement. I’ve found a community of friends on Twitter and Facebook who are ready to help.
That being said, moving toward tomorrow feel like an uphill climb. I relapsed on what would have been day 18 sober. Then totally spiralled out of control.
I’ll deal with that tomorrow.
Today I’m moving forward.
I just found your blog and am going through all of this too. Day 36. It is slowly getting easier, although not a straight line. I guess the difference is that the bad times are not as frequent as they used to be and not as severe. Hang in there.
Thanks so much for writing. I’m logged in today (after a series month long relapse). Your message is an extra push to help me get back to recovery.
I’ve read tons of recovery blogs & even when I really liked them, I’ve never commented. So afraid people will find out I’m an alcoholic. The blog is for you, but you’re helping others wayyyyy more than you know. Keep up the good work & please keep sharing. Your blog has helped me tonight. Thank you.
I am trying my best to quit too, I have a multitude of physical health problems that are incurable, I just stumbled upon your website tonight as I’m finishing off my “last” bottle so there is NONE in the house, and HOPING I can stick to going to bed sober, there are many of us “silent seekers” out here, and I am grateful that you tell the truth, KNOW that I have been “quitting” for the past year and failing miserably, and will continue to NOT beat myself up when I slip. Thank you for being out there. I am in Northern Minnesota 🙂
It’s been a while because I was totally relapsed for several months, I can’t even keep count.
But I wanted to say I appreciate your comments and hope you are doing well. If you want to chat sometime please feel free email me
I’m on day 17 – not sure if you still check this – my third time on day 17. I think I’m doing it for health reasons temporarily- maybe permanent? Anyway- your blog is so encouraging and helpful. Thank you!
PS – what happened in your relapse? How crazy did it get before you went back to sober – and are you still sober?
Tony if this blog is still running I hope your still sober I am on day 17 been drinking most everyday since I was 18 I am no 64 no lie I woke up 17 days ago the night before I tied one one woke up told myself no more talked to god and here I am 17 days never happened to me its been a little ruff but doing good you hangs in there it’s quite nice to be sober take care .