Today is day 80 sober and I’m feeling hopeful. Last week’s rough patch was a learning experience, but progress continues.
????Get back to where you once belonged
If you’ve lost your way, go back to doing the last things that made you feel whole. [Dont R. Ember ]
That’s been a part of my recovery, although somewhat on accident.
- I’m running again.
- I’m getting back into writing.
- I’m reading whatever makes me curious.
- My spiritual interests are waking up, but with the wonder of a child.
Best of all, I’m finding people I can help.
That’s me with a precious orphaned baby girl.
She is in good hand with her grandmother, but their life is hard. I was in the right place to make their lives a little easier. It’s not much, but hope goes a long way in a place like Haiti.
I used to have a life calling – unless that was a manic delusion. I imagined living among the poor, hearing their voice, and working to give them a little relief.
Global inequality isn’t going away. It’s more than material poverty and I’d be foolish to think money can fix all that’s broken in this life. Besides, I was never applying for the job of savior. I couldn’t even hold my own shit together – despite my incredible white American privilege.
But when I hug that grandma and give her enough baby formula for this week –
she smiles
Everyone deserves dignity – even if it’s only the kindness of a random American.
If I can get back, that’s where I’d like to belong again.
If I could give this a dozen likes, I would. How bout a dozen hugs? ???? ????????????????????….give these to the Grandma ????????????????????????
Just got back from seeing them again. I got to feed the baby ???? really a great moment