I’m learning to be spiritual again, mostly through the serenity prayer and trying to live out Jesus’ golden rule. I believe in a higher power, but that hasn’t made me forget the lower power of addiction that I used to worship.
When I was drinking, addiction was my only religion and alcohol my false god.
— Sober Tony (@sobertony) April 23, 2017
In that spirit, I’m offering this anti-prayer for rebuking the addiction whisper in my brain.
The Addict’s Anti-Prayer
My former false god.One request I will make,
get out of my head.I don’t want your courage in a bottle,
your wisdom on a bar stool,
or the serenity of passing out.Your name is shit,
Your kingdom is a prison,
Your heaven is nothing but hell.You’ve stolen my daily bread,
You’ve led me into trespass,
You’ve left me defenseless against temptations,
You’ve delivered me into evil for the last time.For you have lost your kingdom,
your power,
all that remains is your shame.In Jesus’ name,
Fuck off.
** To my religious readers, I know ADDICTION isn’t actually a demon who can hear my monologue. I have two degrees in Theology, so that makes me an armchair expert on heresy, a skill I am happy to share with the world through satire. God knows I’m a mess, and we’ve got a 12 step program for that.
oregongirlsite says
You continue to amaze me. Interesting how we can hide behind a misunderstood faith. This was quite the post. Once upon a time my “religious” mind would have said “Horrors!!!” Not any more. You are real and your faith stands in my book. Bravo on the many days sober!!
Sober Tony says
Thank you.
Alcohol was in complete control of my life for many years – despite my church going, mission trip leading, and Bible verse knowing.
Addiciton was my functional God and was destroying my life. I’m glad to give it a little trash talk as I move on with my life.
bgddyjim says
I LIKE it!!!
Untipsyteacher says
I am finding I worshiped alcohol, shopping, and excitement.
Sober Tony says
Oh shopping? That’s something I would drink to avoid.
Untipsyteacher says
Helen K says
hahah…. this made me laugh. Good one!
claudia says
i need helo my partner was a heroin addict i became meth addic he gets methadone for the last 4 years. yet he calls me names dophy drug addic when im not using he accuses me ad starts naming me awful things he evens throws me out of home. itsb beeen 9 years