This site is more than just one guy’s story. It’s a place where we can join forces to fight addiciton. If you’re sick of alcohol kicking your ass, then you’re in the right place. When leaving a comment, follow these community rules.
- You must be HONEST.
- No bullshit — You must be HONEST.
- No “professional” advice. We are all friends among friends.
- Everyone can have their own opinions and tell their own stories without judgement.
- There is no single “right way” to beat addiciton.
- You can disagree with me, but don’t be an asshole.
- We’re on the same team and have the same enemy – addiciton.
- If this is your first visit, then you need to leave a comment.
First visit, so this is my comment: I like your rules, Tony.
I love your blog and your rules Tony.
Thanks Tony… Glad to have another Tone out there. Here in Haiti my nickname is Ti Tone… I think it’s like calling the big guy Tony because I’m the only one in our family not very skinny
I don’t generally like rules as a thing but your rules make sense so ok. I am following the rules and leaving comment on first visit. It is hard not to drink sometimes. It is good to have avid bloggers writing about their journey. It helps to have the company. Glad to have you out here in the blog o sphere.
Rule #8
So far ~ so good Tony!
Great to see you’re staying sober & getting healthy.
Hope you keep finding/sharing your way odaat.
Love the blog……much reading to be had.
This is my first visit. I have been trying to stop drinking for the last year. And I have been failing. Each day I start with such resolve, but by the end of the day, I give in and go out to buy more alcohol.
I feel so useless, but I am so sick and tired of waking up every morning with a hangover. I want to feel healthy again.
How can I kick this addiction?
just checking this out. on day 30 here. it’s been a long journey just to get here
Hi Tony and all.
1st visit, day 2 for me. My record is 52 days a couple of years ago but drinking is spiraling the worst this time round.
My father was in intensive care for 5 weeks & passed away begining of Novemver. This has given me an excuse to drink excessively and no-one mentions it at the moment.
It has got to the point where I am waking up really drunk & trying to deal with dad’s finances, selling his car, etc, stinking of alcohol at the bank & solicitors etc. Then I drink again because I don’t want the hangover to start. I cannot lose my licence even though I drink & drive all the time, & I can’t lose my job. I’ve had time off work but this has made things worse. Just started my week of working nights which I do every 6 weeks.
I actually feel better today & remember what I have done the last couple of days even though it’s hazy! It’s nice but I am also thinking about alcohol.
While dad was in hospital, I got a letter letting me know I gained an entry place into the London Marathon. I’ve tried for 5 years. I went for my first run today & because I am now running for dad, he made me run 6 miles! I have a reason to stay sober at the moment. I have to train, make him proud & raise enough cash for the charity for him.
Sorry for going on. Thank you for reading. And all the best for anyone thinking of going sober and who are sober. Hopefully I can leave another comment in a few months.
Hello there,
Hope all is going well. I’m starting Naltrexone next Tuesday because I drink too much and want to re-set my brain.
Will let you know how it goes.
Really like this place, hope you give us an update soon.
All the best!
First timer here.
This is my first visit. I haven’t had a drink in four days. I am so glad I found this web site.
Hi, this is my first visit to this site.
I have been a heavy drinker, more than just a party or my backpacking days, for 15 years now.
I am a professional but lately it has started to interfere. I ran a marathon last December, I manage a company, I thought I could deal with it.
I did one week without alcohol last December and then binged badly until now.
I am on day three. I am about to go on a 13 hour flight trip, so that will take me close to day 4 (lucky!).
I am off to Singapore to see family, we like to party, so I am nervous it will occur.
Thank goodness my family member has a professional sports tournament and his missus doesn’t drink, so I am hoping that will be my saving grace.
I love the honesty of this page. I am not a fan of people without problems talking about, ‘just wait – it is great fr your skin and your abs’. For me it is for my life.
Cheers all.
Day 3 today day 4 tomorrow, still feel like I’m just kidding myself, but know I need to stop completely or something really bad will happen
Hi Tony,
I’ve got 9 days. Everything I do except drink helps. Thanks
First visit to your blog. I finally admitted to myself that I’m an addict. Saw my family doctor and he prescribed Wellbutrin (which I haven’t started yet). I’m really scared that I won’t kick this because alcoholism has raged through my family for generations. But your ODAAT blog made me feel better. Thanks for doing this Tony. I need all the help I can get.
Hello all! First timer today…lots of good reads!! Hoping this blog and of course tony are still around,.
Hi Tony, this is my first visit and my first day sober. How are you? Hope everything is fine. You know what? You should try again. Never give up. See you around. Liz
Hey I’m back! Thanks for checking over on me.
You have my attention. First visit.
My first day. I have been in relapse for a few years. Before that I had 22 years of being sober. I need to get back there one day at a time.
im on day 3..have been a daily drinker for 30 something years… Im tired of feeling sick and tired….Im what you call a functional drunk…. I usually drink until I pass out, then get up in the morning and go to work… happy hour starts out when I get off…… Im getting off this hamster wheel
glad to have you!
Fifty days sober today. I also don’t go to meetings. So looking for online support instead. Fifty days sober and I feel like punching something this morning.
PS. First Visit
I’m a child of an alcoholic, and I am married to an alcoholic. I am trying hard to understand my co-dependency. Looking for support and how to go about AL-Anon. This is my first visit.
First visit. My best friend is an alcoholic and asked me today how can he stop… so I found your site. I’m also finding out that I’m a codependent. Also, the 12 step program works for other addictions, too, so I told him that I’m gonna go through this with him… so I can stop being addicted to being a codependent.
My 12th day sober found this site. Started seeing effects that pointed to liver damage so I decided to quit. What gives me the creepy crawlies is that deep down I don’t have any faith that I will stay sober and no bullshit rule #1,2 I already have plans of when I will drink next. But not today. Today I am sober.
This is my third day of sobriety and first visit here. I’m tired and even took a nap today because my sleep quality at night has been horrific. But I’m starting to actually feel better. I am a wino and go through ~ 4-5 BOXES of wine per week, maybe more. This has been going on for years. This is the first time I’ve ever told anyone this. I stay home and do not drink and drive anywhere so that’s good. I may (and probably will) relapse but for now, I’m sober. I worry about suffering ill effects like high blood pressure or seizures as I’ve read about but I think I’m pretty safe. I’m glad I found this forum.
First comment is on the morning of Day 3. I bought a case of Mooseheads and bottle of Oban Little Bay. Didn’t drink either.
50 days today. Never been more happier. Anxiety free and sleeping better added bonuses.Had a few NA BEERS. They really did the trick for me when cravings set in.Thank God for chocolate. Lol
Glad to find this a great resource for my recovery
Thanks Tony, like the rules. Fighting my own BS is my biggest challenge in recovery. Been clean & in 12-step; NA, AA, EA, CODA, Alanon, Naranon, since 7/26/84 (day after I flew to Atlanta to start treatment.) Good stuff.
Getting sober is super messy, I thank my HP for places like this. I am great full
Hi everyone. My name is Kiki. I’m an addict. 🙁
Hey, I can live with those rules. I’m just hoping to have another place to share and hear stories similar to mine.
7 weeks today. This is close to my longest sober in 40 years. I’ll be back!
Day 3 here. I’ve tried many times before and managed a few weeks. Hoping I will do better this time. Feeling very fatigued but my brain is defo less foggy and I’m much more patient with my kids. I still think about wine a lot throughout the day but trying to just keep busy and go to bed early. One day at a time.
Hwy Tony, thanks for the site. 3 days and counting
So far this is the best site I’ve run across with the no bullshit rules. Thanks for making the space with no judgement. 70 days clean today. This time by my choice not forced. Never thought counting the days would help so much.
59 days and I have been reading tour blog every day. Ir helps me a lot! Thanks.
I would like to know how are you now, and read more about recovery…
first visit here, and 21 days sober, I have been going to 1 1/2 hr AA daily visits but for some reason I don’t feel comfortable anymore
I read your comment on the Rules of Recovery. Your comment is exactly what I am feeling right now. Can you tell me if you overcame your drinking problem and how did you stop.
I struggle every day with drinking and I want to stop. I just don’t know where to begin. Any information would be helpful. Thank you very much.
This is my first visit and this is my first comment as requested. I look forward to following this space in my journey. Thank you.
Day 3 here 🙂 Great website Toni, thanks
1st comment. Day 6. Thank you for the website and sharing.
Hi everyone, first time here. Just getting sober again.
This is my first visit, and I am on Day 12.
Hi, I agree to the rules. Thanks for keeping it real.
All the best,
Stephanie M.
This is my first time on the this page and it was well said because we are here for eachother
This is my first visit and I’m on Day 6. Alcohol is not my friend, and I almost lost my wife and Lis’s because of it.
This thread always wakes me up – we gotta win this one folks.